BPAY is a widely used electronic bill payment system that enables individuals and businesses to pay billers through their internet banking.

It is an efficient way for people to pay personal bill. It also allows merchants to offer an alternative payment method to customers by becoming a BPAY Biller. The bill is presented electronically to customers via an online banking interface, called BPAY View.

The BPAY platform is owned and managed by the BPAY Group.

Governance of BPAY payments

The BPAY Scheme has a membership of 165 financial institutions. It is governed by a Board, comprising directors from each of the four shareholder banks and a management committee made up of member representatives.

BPAY operations

Organisations become BPAY Billers through their financial institution. As a Biller, they can provide the BPAY payment details on bills issued to customers:


Payments are then made through the Payer’s financial Institution as per the diagram below:


BPAY also allows payments to be made in batches and via APIs. More details are available bpay.com.au and developer.bpaygroup.com.au3



More details can be found at www.bpaygroup.com.au

Licencing Requirements

To process BPAY transactions linked to an underlying bank account, participants may require an ADI license and/or an AFSL.

Processing BPAY transactions

To process BPAY transactions, organisations must apply to become a member of the BPAY Scheme, and then subscribe to the products it wishes to offer. All members can offer BPAY and BPAY View.

BPAY has three types of membership:




3 All these diagrams are used with permission from the BPAY Group.

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