
We bring rigour to the application of self-regulation and collaborative decision-making.

As the self-regulatory body for payments, we play a pivotal role in the governance of payment systems.
In this section, participants and payments service providers can find more detailed information relating to our payment frameworks. These include:
  • rules and regulations for each payment system and framework
  • guidelines, fact sheets and brochures including on rules and security standards
  • details of all approved ATMs, POS and other devices that may be connected to the network
  • payments fraud statistics and reports 

Rules and Regulations

These documents set out the requirements and processes for exchanging funds between payments participants.


We administer six payment frameworks. Each is managed by a committee reporting directly to our Board. 

The Regulations and Procedures for each framework have the effect of a contract under seal between Australian Payments Network and each participant, as well as each participant in that framework.


All Rules and Regulations Cards Rules and Regulations

Fraud Statistics

Tackling fraud is a key priority for financial institutions and card schemes.

Twice-yearly, we publish payments fraud statistics provided by Australia's financial institutions and card schemes. The aggregated data assists financial institutions in monitoring trends, developing targeted mitigation strategies, and informing businesses and consumers about fraud issues.

Latest Fraud Statistics Previous Fraud Statistics

Device Statistics

Track the number of ATM and POS devices in Australia.

Growth in digital payments is enabled by a high number of card-accepting devices. We track the number of ATMs and point-of-sale devices in Australia. These statistics are updated quarterly.  

Click on the link below to find out more.

Device Statistics

Other links

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