Fraud Statistics Jul 18 - Jun 19

Spending on cards is up, and card fraud is declining.

In the 12 months to 30 June 2019 (FY19), spending on Australian cards grew by 4.2% to $799 billion. Against this, card fraud dropped by 6.9% to $527.8 million. Within this overall total:

  • counterfeit/ skimming fraud fell 19.2% to $18.6 million
  • lost and stolen fraud fell 16.1% to $43.0 million
  • card-not-present (CNP) dropped 5.0% to $455.5 million

The drop in CNP fraud in FY19 is likely due to the increasing adoption of secure technologies such as real time monitoring, machine learning, tokenisation and EMV 3-D Secure; nonetheless, CNP fraud still accounts for 86.3% of all fraud on Australian cards.

The FY19 data covers the period ending immediately before 1 July 2019 when the industry’s CNP Fraud Mitigation Framework took effect. We look forward to tracking the impact of this key initiative to counter online fraud in future releases. For further information on this data release, please see the Media Release.

Fraud Statistics Jul 18 - Jun 19 Revised Oct 20

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Fraud Perpetrated on Australian Cheques and Cards

1 July 2018 - 30 June 2019 (Revised October 2020)

Fraud Transactions Total Transactions Fraud Rates
Number Value Number (millions) Value (millions) as % of total no. of transactions as % of total value ($) of transactions
Cheques 460 3,548,133 63 ^ 727,703 ^ 0.0007% 0.0005%
Australian-issued cards 4,105,180 ^ 528,786,562 ^ 10,443 799,609 ^ 0.0393% 0.0661%
Proprietary debit cards 59,777 12,976,788 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Scheme credit, debit and charge cards 4,045,403 515,809,774 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total 4,105,640 532,334,695 10,507 1,527,312 0.0391% 0.0349%

^ = Figures have been revised.

Cheque Fraud Perpetrated in Australia

1 July 2018 - 30 June 2019

Category Actual Exposure Recoveries*
On-Us Fraud Transactions Value ($) Transactions Value ($) Value ($)
Valueless 1 4,712 404 12,243,510 878,044
Fraudulently Altered 155 1,067,751 353 3,829,439 202,615
Stolen Blank Cheque / Book 249 1,317,274 1,305 1,109,293,396 349,432
Originated Counterfeit Cheques 17 199,781 72 2,497,743 447,398
Non-originated Counterfeit Cheques 8 114,470 79 9,668,546 13,953
Breach of Mandate 2 430,652 29 444,963 5,000
On-Us Total 432 3,134,640 2,242 1,137,977,597 1,896,442
Deposit Fraud        
Valueless 26 410,828 319 17,292,150 244,580
Valueless - Kite Flying 0 0 6 140,488 1,625
Third Party Conversion 2 2,665 84 3,085,875 14,623
Deposit Total 28 413,493 409 20,518,513 260,828
Total 460 3,548,133 2,651 1,158,496,110 2,157,270


* Data on the 'transactions' of recoveries is not collected.

“Actual” losses can relate to “Exposure” during an earlier period. This explains why, in some reporting periods,actual losses may exceed exposure.

Proprietary Debit Card Fraud Perpetrated in Australia

1 July 2018 - 30 June 2019

Category Transactions Value
Debit Card Fraud – PIN Used:
Lost/Stolen 14,247 3,112,210
Never Received 2,141 734,073
Counterfeit/Skimming 17,707 5,942,486
Other 5,508 1,909,381
PIN Used Total 39,603 11,698,150
Debit Card Fraud – PIN Not Used:
Lost/Stolen 13,326 702,654
Never Received 3,046 163,755
Counterfeit/Skimming 93 8,346
Other 3,709 403,883
PIN Not Used Total 20,174 1,278,638
Total Debit Card Fraud 59,777 12,976,788


Note: For fraudulent transactions initiated at ATMs, POS terminals and other devices, the above statistics incorporate all transactions where either "cheque" or "savings" was selected, regardless of the type of card used (that is debit card, 'combo’ card, scheme card etc). The number of fraud transactions does not represent the number of cards or consumers affected. Typically, multiple fraud transactions are made on a single card.


Scheme Credit, Debit and Charge Card Fraud
Perpetrated in Australia and Overseas on Australia-issued Cards

1 July 2018 - 30 June 2019 (Revised April 2020)

Category In Australia Overseas Total
  Transactions Value ($) Transactions Value ($) Transactions Value ($)
Lost / Stolen 319,850 24,336,942 60,917 14,897,103 380,767 39,234,044
Never Received 19,882 2,850,688 741 249,931 20,623 3,100,619
Fraudulent Application 6,375 2,241,002 1,150 333,984 7,525 2,574,986
Counterfeit / Skimming 29,437 5,432,923 41,759 7,278,103 71,195 12,711,026
Card Not Present (CNP) 1,913,090 242,827,410 1,647,866 213,497,049 3,560,956 456,324,459
Other 2,820 1,174,705 1,517 689,935 4,337 1,864,640
Total 2,291,454 278,863,669 1,753,949 236,946,105 4,045,403 515,809,775

Note: The number of fraud transactions does not represent the number of cards or consumers affected. Typically, multiple fraud transactions are made on a single card.

Fraud Perpetrated in Australia on Cards issued Overseas

Category Transactions Value ($)
Lost / Stolen 15,572 3,850,529
Never Received 985 147,692
Fraudulent Application 720 153,669
Counterfeit / Skimming 20,356 6,376,412
Card Not Present (CNP) 316,530 77,781,366
Other 3,861 1,441,983
Total 358,024 89,751,650


Note: The number of fraud transactions does not represent the number of cards or consumers affected. Typically, multiple fraud transactions are made on a single card.