Fraud Statistics Jan 16 - Dec 16

As we spend more than ever on our cards, the rate of fraud is also increasing. 

We have been publishing payments fraud statistics as reported by Australia’s financial institutions and major card schemes since 2006.

This publication of the aggregated data helps inform consumers and businesses about payments fraud issues and assists financial institutions in:

  • monitoring fraud trends
  • developing targeted mitigation strategies

Data released for 2016 calendar year shows:

  • Card and cheque fraud accounted for under 0.03% of the $1,869 billion total transacted
  • Payments are moving online, so too are fraudsters: card-not-present fraud* accounted for 78% of total card fraud
  • Australian card fraud rates compare favourably to the UK and US, reflecting strong industry responses and availability of anti-fraud tools 

For further information on this data release, please see the Australian Payments Fraud Report and the accompanying Media Release.

Fraud Statistics for Jan-Dec 2016 Australian Payments Fraud Report Jan-Dec 2016

View Statistics for Fraud

Click to view statistics on key payments areas

Fraud Perpetrated on Australian Cheques and Cards

1 January 2016 - 31 December 2016  (Revised November 2017)

Fraud Transactions Total Transactions Fraud Rates
Number Value Number (millions) Value (millions) as % of total no. of transactions as % of total value ($) of transactions
Cheques 904   $6,406,873   112   $1,154,864   0.0008% 0.0006%
Australian-issued cards^ 2,848,033   $534,691,899   8,051   $714,494   0.0354% 0.0748%
Proprietary debit cards 66,998   $23,672,095   N/A N/A N/A N/A
Scheme credit, debit and charge cards 2,781,035   $511,019,804   N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total 2,848,937 $541,098,772 8,163 $1,869,358 0.0349% 0.0289%


^ = Figures have been revised.

Cheque Fraud Perpetrated in Australia

1 January 2016 - 31 December 2016

Category Actual Exposure Recoveries*
On-Us Fraud Transactions Value ($) Transactions Value ($) Value ($)
Valueless 1 7,387 427 45,930,527 1,885
Fraudulently Altered 318 2,139,401 588 10,127,975 666,791
Stolen Blank Cheque / Book 429 2,199,950 1,549 9,968,507 276,197
Originated Counterfeit Cheques 65 416,734 196 4,686,999 50,917
Non-originated Counterfeit Cheques 48 572,111 141 3,623,139 102,940
Breach of Mandate 17 904,041 14 596,346 37,133
On-Us Total 878 6,239,624 2,915 74,933,493 1,135,863
Deposit Fraud        
Valueless 19 115,306 217 12,336,108 72,040
Valueless - Kite Flying 1 5,000 20 590,496 750
Third Party Conversion 6 46,943 28 332,478 46,589
Deposit Total 26 167,249 265 13,259,082 119,379
Total 904 6,406,873 3,180 88,192,575 1,255,242


* Data on the 'transactions' of recoveries is not collected.

“Actual” losses can relate to “Exposure” during an earlier period. This explains why, in some reporting periods,actual losses may exceed exposure.

Proprietary Debit Card Fraud Perpetrated in Australia

1 January 2016 - 31 December 2016

Category Transactions Value

Debit Card Fraud – PIN Used:
Lost/Stolen 8,965 2,283,510
Never Received 3,908 2,085,545
Counterfeit/Skimming 51,353 18,337,099
Other 1,199 635,437
PIN Used Total 65,425 23,341,591
Debit Card Fraud – PIN Not Used:
Lost/Stolen 820 64,290
Never Received 167 25,883
Counterfeit/Skimming 562 183,159
Other 24 57,172
PIN Not Used Total 1,573 330,504
Total Debit Card Fraud 66,998 23,672,095


Note: For fraudulent transactions initiated at ATMs, POS terminals and other devices, the above statistics incorporate all transactions where either "cheque" or "savings" was selected, regardless of the type of card used (that is debit card, 'combo’ card, scheme card etc). The number of fraud transactions does not represent the number of cards or consumers affected. Typically, multiple fraud transactions are made on a single card.

Scheme Credit, Debit and Charge Card Fraud
Perpetrated in Australia and Overseas on Australia-issued Cards

1 January 2016 - 31 December 2016 (Revised November 2017)

Category In Australia Overseas Total

Lost / Stolen 273,662 21,412,515 51,777 13,937,158 325,439 35,349,673
Never Received 67,361 7,633,522 2,876 596,092 70,237 8,229,614
Fraudulent Application 8,992 2,423,690 2,751 1,314,111 11,743 3,737,801
Counterfeit / Skimming 24,578 7,276,322 91,727 33,450,329 116,305 40,726,651
Card Not Present (CNP) 831,605 175,800,719 1,396,689 242,332,417 2,228,294 418,133,135
Other 12,767 2,634,114 16,250 2,208,816 29,017 4,842,930
Total 1,218,965 217,180,881 1,562,070 293,838,923 2,781,035 511,019,803

Note: The number of fraud transactions does not represent the number of cards or consumers affected. Typically, multiple fraud transactions are made on a single card.

Fraud Perpetrated in Australia on Cards issued Overseas

Category Transactions Value ($)

Lost / Stolen 15,050 2,846,063
Never Received 764 63,157
Fraudulent Application 606 133,746
Counterfeit / Skimming 33,485 8,803,594
Card Not Present (CNP) 234,222 54,950,790
Other 1,579 876,287
Total 285,706 67,673,637

Note: The number of fraud transactions does not represent the number of cards or consumers affected. Typically, multiple fraud transactions are made on a single card.