Fraud Statistics Jul 13 - Jun 14

We publish payments fraud data twice-yearly to help public understanding of fraud trends and prevention measures.

The data tables covering 1 July 2013 - 30 June 2014 are provided below. For further information on this data release, please see the accompanying Media Release.


Fraud Statistics for Jul 2013 - Jun 2014

Fraud Perpetrated on Australian Cheques and Cards

1 July 2013 - 30 June 2014 (Revised April 2015)

Fraud Transactions Total Transactions Fraud Rates
Number Value Number (millions) Value (millions) as % of total no. of transactions as % of total value ($) of transactions
Cheques 1,045 $7,563,318 181 $1,231,762 0.0006% 0.0006%
Australian-issued cards^ 1,530,287 $344,030,126 6,395 $641,950 0.0239% 0.0536%
Proprietary debit cards 73,491 $22,192,249 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Scheme credit, debit and charge cards 1,456,796 $321,837,877 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total 1,531,332 $351,593,444 6,576 $1,873,712 0.0233% 0.0188%


^ = Figures have been revised.

Cheque Fraud Perpetrated in Australia

1 July 2013 - 30 June 2014

Category Actual Exposure Recoveries*
On-Us Fraud Transactions Value ($) Transactions Value ($) Value ($)
Valueless 28 726,946 559 28,085,408 288,344
Fraudulently Altered 237 1,248,846 383 4,773,214 266,240
Stolen Blank Cheque / Book 625 3,514,122 936 4,796,056 89,591
Originated Counterfeit Cheques 73 926,225 155 3,508,097 193,441
Non-originated Counterfeit Cheques 28 540,308 101 2,948,251 1,776
Breach of Mandate 28 464,001 24 12,369,773 48,801
On-Us Total 1,019 7,420,448 2,158 56,480,799 888,193
Deposit Fraud          
Valueless 23 139,780 347 64,426,593 305,994
Valueless - Kite Flying 0 0 107 39,899,230 106,559
Third Party Conversion 3 3,090 22 418,746 16,600
Deposit Total 26 142,870 476 104,744,569 429,153
Total 1,045 1045 2,634 161,225,368 1,317,346


* Data on the 'transactions' of recoveries is not collected.

“Actual” losses can relate to “Exposure” during an earlier period. This explains why, in some reporting periods,actual losses may exceed exposure.

Proprietary Debit Card Fraud Perpetrated in Australia

1 July 2013 - 30 June 2014 (Revised June 2015) 

Category Transactions Value
Debit Card Fraud – PIN Used:  
Lost/Stolen 12,870 3,029,883
Never Received 4,461 1,370,065
Counterfeit/Skimming 47,789 16,969,220
Other 4,658 1,462,941
PIN Used Total 69,778 22,832,109
Debit Card Fraud – PIN Not Used:  
Lost/Stolen 565 52,361
Never Received 111 5,326
Counterfeit/Skimming 220 37,710
Other 23 1,363
PIN Not Used Total 919 96,760
Total Debit Card Fraud 70,697 22,928,869


Note: For fraudulent transactions initiated at ATMs, POS terminals and other devices, the above statistics incorporate all transactions where either "cheque" or "savings" was selected, regardless of the type of card used (that is debit card, 'combo’ card, scheme card etc). The number of fraud transactions does not represent the number of cards or consumers affected. Typically, multiple fraud transactions are made on a single card.

Scheme Credit, Debit and Charge Card Fraud
Perpetrated in Australia and Overseas on Australia-issued Cards

1 July 2013 - 30 June 2014 (Revised June 2015)

Category In Australia Overseas Total
  Transactions Value ($) Transactions Value ($) Transactions Value ($)
Lost / Stolen 149,405 17,873,148 34,525 12,573,683 183,930 30,446,831
Never Received 39,053 7,093,429 1,374 576,949 40,427 7,670,378
Fraudulent Application 3,354 1,166,715 788 129,596 4,142 1,296,310
Counterfeit / Skimming 23,994 9,831,993 42,484 14,951,957 66,478 24,783,950
Card Not Present (CNP) 399,106 86,846,464 757,211 169,698,095 1,156,317 256,544,559
Other 4,338 693,470 1,164 402,379 5,502 1,095,849
Total 619,250 123,505,218 837,546 198,332,658 1,456,796 321,837,876


Note: The number of fraud transactions does not represent the number of cards or consumers affected. Typically, multiple fraud transactions are made on a single card.

Fraud Perpetrated in Australia on Cards issued Overseas

Category Transactions Value ($)
Lost / Stolen 12,737 3,709,339
Never Received 316 39,990
Fraudulent Application 208 61,438
Counterfeit / Skimming 44,831 11,183,220
Card Not Present (CNP) 118,745 37,690,377
Other 1,562 578,867
Total 178,399 53,263,230


Note: The number of fraud transactions does not represent the number of cards or consumers affected. Typically, multiple fraud transactions are made on a single card.