In June 2023, AusPayNet responded to the Attorney-General’s Department’s consultation on modernising Australia’s anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (AML/CTF) regime.
The AML/CTF regime is a critical part of Australia’s efforts to prevent criminals from receiving the proceeds of their illegal activity and stopping funds from falling into the hands of terrorist organisations. As observed in the consultation paper, the regime has not kept pace with the changing threat environment and evolving international standards, resulting in gaps and vulnerabilities that could have significant economic and social consequences for Australia.
In line with AusPayNet’s commitment to working with Members, government and other stakeholders to defend the payments system from economic crime, our submission welcomed the review of the AML/CTF regime to ensure that it remains clear, fit-for-purpose and meets international standards and best practice. We expressed support for:
AusPayNet’s submission is available below.