Fraud Statistics Jul 14 - Jun 15

We publish payments fraud data twice-yearly to help public understanding of fraud trends and prevention measures.  

The data tables covering 1 July 2014 - 30 Jun 2015 are provided below. For further information on this data release, please see the accompanying Media Release.


Fraud Statistics for July 2014 -Jun 2015

Fraud Perpetrated on Australian Cheques and Cards

1 July 2014 - 30 June 2015 (Revised June 2016)

Fraud Transactions Total Transactions Fraud Rates
Number Value Number (millions) Value (millions) as % of total no. of transactions as % of total value ($) of transactions
Cheques 1,047 $6,661,216 153 $1,220,253 0.0007% 0.0005%
Australian-issued cards^ 1,898,377 $406,167,000 6,958 $672,557 0.0273% 0.0604%
Proprietary debit cards 65,486 $22,052,046 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Scheme credit, debit and charge cards 1,832,891 $384,114,954 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total 1,899,424 $412,828,216 7,111 $1,892,810 0.0267% 0.0218%


^ = Figures have been revised.

Cheque Fraud Perpetrated in Australia

1 July 2014 - 30 June 2015

Category Actual Exposure Recoveries*
On-Us Fraud Transactions Value ($) Transactions Value ($) Value ($)
Valueless 24 160,781 508 28,789,570 22,154
Fraudulently Altered 298 2,937,712 553 7,944,750 752,900
Stolen Blank Cheque / Book 474 1,680,868 1,001 5,203,913 256,224
Originated Counterfeit Cheques 168 871,367 205 3,268,918 219,535
Non-originated Counterfeit Cheques 32 411,558 102 2,353,101 7,367
Breach of Mandate 18 344,445 21 825,343 833
On-Us Total 1,014 6,406,731 2,390 48,385,595 1,259,013
Deposit Fraud          
Valueless 11 75,338 180 74,726,406 142,929
Valueless - Kite Flying 10 24,850 53 2,684,137 250
Third Party Conversion 12 154,297 31 571,542 10,462
Deposit Total 33 254,485 264 77,982,085 153,641
Total 1,047 6,661,216 2,654 126,367,680 1,412,654


* Data on the 'transactions' of recoveries is not collected.

“Actual” losses can relate to “Exposure” during an earlier period. This explains why, in some reporting periods,actual losses may exceed exposure.

Proprietary Debit Card Fraud Perpetrated in Australia

1 July 2014 - 30 June 2015

Category Transactions Value
Debit Card Fraud – PIN Used:  
Lost/Stolen 14,897 3,576,289
Never Received 4,107 1,618,418
Counterfeit/Skimming 40,893 15,286,631
Other 4,409 1,474,026
PIN Used Total 64,306 21,955,364
Debit Card Fraud – PIN Not Used:  
Lost/Stolen 863 60,017
Never Received 86 3,908
Counterfeit/Skimming 211 31,213
Other 20 1,544
PIN Not Used Total 1,180 96,682
Total Debit Card Fraud 65,486 22,052,046


Note: For fraudulent transactions initiated at ATMs, POS terminals and other devices, the above statistics incorporate all transactions where either "cheque" or "savings" was selected, regardless of the type of card used (that is debit card, 'combo’ card, scheme card etc). The number of fraud transactions does not represent the number of cards or consumers affected. Typically, multiple fraud transactions are made on a single card.

Scheme Credit, Debit and Charge Card Fraud
Perpetrated in Australia and Overseas on Australia-issued Cards

1 July 2014 - 30 June 2015 (Revised June 2016)

Category In Australia Overseas Total
  Transactions Value ($) Transactions Value ($) Transactions Value ($)
Lost / Stolen 174,839 15,671,497 39,767 12,564,436 214,606 28,235,933
Never Received 53,863 6,326,786 1,453 488,872 55,316 6,815,659
Fraudulent Application 3,901 1,018,114 1,099 211,843 5,000 1,229,957
Counterfeit / Skimming 17,577 6,771,378 47,787 17,181,666 65,364 23,953,044
Card Not Present (CNP) 501,004 118,509,840 986,685 204,591,895 1,487,689 323,101,734
Other 3,870 571,576 1,046 207,050 4,916 778,627
Total 755,054 148,869,192 1,077,837 235,245,762 1,832,891 384,114,954


Note: For fraudulent transactions initiated at ATMs, POS terminals and other devices, the above statistics incorporate all transactions where either "cheque" or "savings" was selected, regardless of the type of card used (that is debit card, 'combo’ card, scheme card etc). The number of fraud transactions does not represent the number of cards or consumers affected. Typically, multiple fraud transactions are made on a single card.

Fraud Perpetrated in Australia on Cards issued Overseas

Category Transactions Value ($)
Lost / Stolen 12,713 2,424,017
Never Received 704 92,223
Fraudulent Application 379 69,237
Counterfeit / Skimming 77,075 8,206,209
Card Not Present (CNP) 157,519 47,568,093
Other 1,461 628,061
Total 249,851 58,987,840


Note: For fraudulent transactions initiated at ATMs, POS terminals and other devices, the above statistics incorporate all transactions where either "cheque" or "savings" was selected, regardless of the type of card used (that is debit card, 'combo’ card, scheme card etc). The number of fraud transactions does not represent the number of cards or consumers affected. Typically, multiple fraud transactions are made on a single card.