The COIN is next generation connectivity for Australian payments.

The Community of Interest Network (COIN) is a high availability, managed network for multilateral secure transmission of payment files between payments participants.

Designed as collaborative core infrastructure for the future of Australia’s low-value payments, the COIN provides an alternative to point-to-point connectivity between payments participants.

Currently the COIN provides network services and connectivity for our frameworks for cheques, direct entry, and domestic cards. It also provides the network for BPAY bill payments.

The COIN operates independently from our other payments framework and is open to all participants in the payments system. We provides the rules, procedures and decision-making framework enabling participation in the COIN.

Telstra provides the IP-based virtual private network for the COIN.

The COIN is an IP-based virtual private network for transmission of payment files between participants.

The COIN started carrying ‘live’ payments traffic in February 2010. It replaced the legacy bilateral links used previously, which were costly for participants to establish and maintain. The COIN also increased the speed with which payment files are transferred. Participants reported that file transfer times were cut by up to 90% when the COIN was launched.

Common Payments Network

We established the COIN as part of a wider physical connectivity network for payments. In addition to the COIN, the CPN includes the SWIFT network, and the Reserve Bank’s clearing interconnector which enables payments traffic to pass between the COIN and SWIFT.

Together, the COIN, the RBA Network Interconnector and the SWIFT FileAct Service provide for a common payments network in Australia.

Related Content

View regulations, manual and other resources relating to the COIN.